Friday, May 9, 2008

4-bit philosophy

Socr470: so we've got 2 ruling powrs: 1 intellectual, 1 visible. OK?

Glocky: OK

Socr470: now cut them into unequal parts wrt clear & unclear. Visible & clear is images & shadows & reflections. OK?

Glocky: OK yeah

Socr470: and visible & unclear is animals we see & everything that grows or is made

Glocky: great

Socr470: now don't u think both sections are sort of true in their own way and copy & original are like opinion & knowledge?

Glocky: for sure

Socr470: next look at how the intellectual spher is divided

Glocky: how's that?

Socr470: 2 subdivisions again: in lower one the soul uses figures of former division as images. this is only hypothetical. in upper division, hypotheses come only from principles & ideas not images

Glocky: what?

Socr470: OK, I'll back up. u know that math is based on odd/even numbers, angles, etc. mathematicians start at these hypotheses and get to a final concl

Glocky: yeh, of course

Socr470: & u know they use visible forms but really think in ideas. they try to see the real image from the reflection

Glocky: OK

Socr470: this is intel sphere. but we need hypotheses--we can't use first principles but need to use objects whose reflections are below. objects are more distinct than their refl so more valuable.

Glocky: got it. you mean geometry etc

Socr470: the other intellectual division is pure reason based on dialectic. it uses hypotheses to find the first principle of the whole without using any objects. just successive ideas

OK so let's say these 4 divisions are 4 faculties of the soul: intelligence highest, then reason, belief, and last is perception of illusion. each faculty has clearness the way their object has truth

Glocky: yeah OK, that makes sense

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